The below is my opinion, it may be wrong.

What is a “god” of something? It is the spiritual entity which controls such thing.

(Psalms 96:5; I Chronicles 16:26) “For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
but Yahweh made the heavens.”

An idol is a specifically crafted thing in order to represent a force of spiritual world. An idol is a mean to control spiritual world: It concentrates spiritual forces on a certain topic. If an idol is broken, the spiritual force dissipates.

So gods of people, they are idols, that is they live only as long as the idol is set up and not broken.

God of Israel is an exception. He is not controlled by an idol. But He is Yahweh himself, one who created the heavens long before the first idol appeared. He cannot die. For example, losing his ark does not cause Him to dissipate, because He is deathless.

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