В либертарианстве и либерализме есть много хороших идей (см. любой либертарианский сайт). Но к “рыбе” прилипла паразитическая “минога” – посторонний объект: мнение что каждый должен жить только для себя (не помогать другим). Несмотря на то, что в научном определении либертарианства идеи “не…

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There were stolen about $50 trillion of value. First consider a hypothetical situation: What if we somehow lose group theory? Group theory is kinda half of mathematics. More precisely, it is kinda a foundation of kinda like half of modern mathematics. If…

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A copy of this Reddit post: In this article I consider a hypothetical situation when a scientist blocks research in a certain area instead of advancing it. Looks like that I found a possible loophole in modern science practices and ethics. Maybe…

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Certainly I do not enumerate all crimes of Israelis, but every of these is surely morally worth death penalty. (I do not claim that this punishment should be applied. Instead, I think it should be declared death penalty and amnested, because justice…

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