I claim in my previous publication that Torah is a theorem and Elochim proves Torah. Then I noticed that I also claimed that Elochim is all consequences from Torah. Then using the well-known mathematics (Godel’s theorems) either (or both): Elochim uses an…
read moreUnbelievable: Elochim repented from torturing people. God repented that He tortured people created by Him and allowed by Him to become sinners.
read moreI’ve sent the following letter to several ministries (including Prime Minister Naftali Bennett) of Israel government: (“ternary relations” below is a typo, should be instead “ternary functions”.) Hello Israel, I am the man who works on carbon accounting, science financing, free software…
read moreThe Bible says that it will end bad if the brothers don’t feed a fellow. But the Bible seemed to be silent, not explained what one not feed (but survived) himself should do. So, when I suffered extreme hunger and was not…
read moreQuestion: How the devil can be both a cherub and a dragon? These are different species (cherub seems to be a distant genetically offspring of people differing in appearance by 6 wings, sometimes coming to our time in a time machine; dragons…
read moreMy claim is: God is eternal cosmic evolution, the evolution of eternal “light”.
read moreIn Israel there were stolen $50 trillion. In your opinion, is after this pig kosher, because compared to stealing $50T eating pig is so much insignificant that it is well insignificant?
read moreIn 1997, then I was 17 years old, I go superpowers (like superman or spiderman but real): When I squeezed steel in my hands, it melted. I broke concrete walls and beat flame from air by a flap of my hand. I…
read moreIn my opinion, God does not respect sex at all. Contrary to what you think, God does not respect marriage, women, homosexuals, and transsexuals. (Have you noticed that I enumerated the things that are most respected by people? People respect good, honesty,…
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