how was your transformation from atheist to a believer in Jesus ? When I was 9 years I decided that nothing exists. When I thought about this “philosophy” I for example clashed into walls, because I didn’t believe that walls exist. Also…
read moreMt. 24 4 Jesus answered them … 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. (about when the end of this world will happen) It what has happens now in Ukraine which is at a civil war. Instead of verified…
read moreHearing about prosperity doctrine preached about by some Gospel preachers, I wondered: (1Tim. 6:9) But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and…
read moreMy story In childhood I was an atheist. I was taught evolution theory as an unquestionable truth. It’s worth to note that that time I thought: “People need yet 100 million years of evolution to become really intelligent”. My modern opinion of…
read moreI present new edition 3.4 of my book “End of Gospel”. When I started to write this book, my English was rather bad. But as for now, I’ve took some English lessons. Using my improved knowledge of English I have rewritten this…
read more(I’m going to add the text of this blog post into my book.) Gospel teaches to (Phil. 2:3) each counting others better than himself consider others below ourselves. Now I will muse about the following topic: How we knowing Gospel may consider…
read moreIn my earlier Christian life, I decided to do away with my emotions as belonging to “flesh”. Well, I realized that emotions are also given by God but I decided just to “use” emotions to do my “rational” acts, that is for…
read moreThe universe exists only 6000 years In contrary I see no reason to assume that the calculation of “6-days” creation started with the first day of heaven. I will write more later on my interpretation of “6 days” as 6 days or…
read moreEnd of Gospel community site is created today. It currently features a confession to become a friend of Christ and forums. More features are to be added. You are recommended to pronounce the confession prayer and to become members of the community.
read more[Based on my book “End of Gospel”.] Traditional Christianity offers you becoming a Christ’s slave. I offer something other, to become free, neither His slave nor a slave of anybody else. (Jn. 8:31-32) 31 Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had…
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