Because you are a cunt, you don’t send me money. So it would be better for the mankind that I would be a thief to compensate this your failure because this way I would have more money for such things as math…
read moreWe assume that “word of God” means “Bible”. Is this a founded statement? I propose an alternative theory: “word of God” means in Bible any mathematics (anything what is absolutely true). So, “2+4=4” or “The lattice of funcoids is isomorphic to the…
read moreIn this blog post I will consider a theological scenery possible in my opinion. It differs of the traditional theological theory that two witnesses of the Apocalypse are Ilia and Enoch, born again to die. But what if the traditional interpretation is…
read moreLetter to the President of the Russian Federation: When a person commits a crime and is executed, his liver also dies. This is because the liver is not a subject, it is only a part of the organism, it is condemned along…
read moreThere were at least the following supermen during the history of mankind: Adam and Eve (for some period of time) Samson (partially) Jesus Paul (for some period of time) myself (for some period of time) There will be also two witnesses of…
read moreThe most lagged behind civilization, whose brains are infected by a virus, cannot even to calculate in mind. Humankind. Why God has chosen this civilization over angels? ((Heb. 2) “5 For to the angels has he not put in subjection the world…
read moreSuppose for example the CEO of Google or UN secretary general or American President was careless and gave a promise to break the world economy in a certain way. I don’t know if the CEO of Google is a Christian, but suppose…
read moreLove is the same word as charity in Greek. But charity in modern language is very near to “nonprofit” (=NGO). So love is nonprofit. What is common between love and nonprofit: It is as hard to honestly fit nonprofit registration purpose as…
read more(Rev. 12) “9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard…
read moreBible clearly teaches that in the heaven there will be no such problems as hunger. But why? I think, there are two variants: The development in the future will be never stalled for advanced periods. The development will sometimes almost fully stall…
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