We are all sick. Sin is a very serious disease everybody of us sick with. Sinners do not only lack proper connection with God, but also are unable to calculate like computers in their brains (as Adam before the Fall was able)….
read moreIn John 1 “word” means mathematics. So I’ve rewritten this Bible passage with the word “mathematics” instead the word “Word”: 1 In the beginning was the mathematics, and the mathematics was with God, and the mathematics was God. 2 The same was…
read moreWhy we stay on knees praying? I think we are preparing for God’s security system. In presence of God embodied in a body, one should stay on knees to make for him inconvenient to attack God’s body. However: (Rom. 14:4) “Who are…
read moreWe have one more reason to give glory to Jesus. He did a wonderful thing: He humbled himself. See (Phil. 2:8) “And being found in human form, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, yes, the death of the cross.” This is…
read moreSome Christians are afraid of cremation of their bodies, because them in some way are afraid or suspect that cremation may harm their resurrection. What does Bible say on cremation? It seems that Bible suggests that cremation is a good thing for…
read moreWe used to think about healing as restoring our natural forces. But God’s healing is reaching more: It also means giving us supernatural forces. Think of Samson’s force as an example of healing. Holy Spirit is going not only to stop sickness…
read more(I am not quite sure if this is a correct interpretation of Bible, but present here my theological theory.) In New Testament God compares people holding Holy Spirit with vessels. But vessels are defined as something empty inside. In my opinion, this…
read more(Is. 40:3-4) “3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be…
read moreDifferent theologians give different answers to the question, whether salvation can be lost. But see (Mat. 24:24) “For there will arise false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even…
read more(Luk. 12:35) “Let … be … your lamps burning” Possibly, the main meaning of Bible is literal (not spiritual). Didn’t Christ want us to keep our lamps burning in literal sense? If yes, he wants us to contribute to global warming (possibly…
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