I freaked out after a telepathic message “You are not a super-star. [Meaning: I want you to be a super-star.]”, because super-star associates for me with Madonna and likewise singers who taught Russian chicks to request sex with me (“Do what you…
read moreWhat Torah says about the belief in Capitalism?
read moreA proof sketch of trueness of Torah, using an alleged new axiom: God should not prove Torah: it’s unethical because people were tortured.
read moreVery short (in about 5 secs) after publishing a post in this blog, I felt a woman. I don’t know how it could happen. Does a woman check my blog every 5 seconds? (Reply, please!) I have no email subscribers. I have…
read moreI claim in my previous publication that Torah is a theorem and Elochim proves Torah. Then I noticed that I also claimed that Elochim is all consequences from Torah. Then using the well-known mathematics (Godel’s theorems) either (or both): Elochim uses an…
read moreНевероятно: Элохим покаялся в том, что мучил людей. Бог покаялся, что Он пытал людей, созданных Им и позволившим Ему стать грешниками.
read moreUnbelievable: Elochim repented from torturing people. God repented that He tortured people created by Him and allowed by Him to become sinners.
read moreFrom: Victor Porton To: pniot@isracard.co.il Date: Oct 6, 2021, 17:26 Hi ombudsman,I was frauded by mydates.comPlease return all the money.The detailed information about the fraud is at https://after-gospel.vporton.name/2021/10/06/mydates-com-are-money-fraudsters-not-a-dating-site/
read moreוניה85 online You like each otherChatProfile Info load previous at 14:54: Connect my WhatsApp +972-545229306 or porton.victor@gmail.com – you are most beautiful girl in Ashkelon in this site. I was lik at 14:55: מה הקשר וואטסאפ מותק? אתה בחור אמיתי או שאתה…
read moreThe main(?) difference between a few tens years ago and now: Tens years ago: Nash: “I am [literally: my time is] infinitely more important than you[rs]. Now: Everybody: “I am infinitely more important than you[rs].”
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