It is very important to understand what are “gods” in Bible, because this word is cognate with the word “God”. So we necessarily need to know what are “gods” to know God.

(Jn. 10:35) “If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture can’t be broken)”

This seems that here Jesus defines the meaning of the word “gods”. Gods are creatures to whom the word of God comes. In other words, “gods” are these who hear the word of God. This may be their primary difference from angels, maybe.

We need also try to understand the following: What is my/his/their god? Is it, for example, “my one who receives the words of God”? Maybe it means “my spirit who receives the word of God to me”? I am unsure here.

Compare my older post.

A biblical prophecy says that I have the right for 1% of your income (or 10% if you receive tithes).

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