I will first before the sermon tell a little about myself. I am a programmer and mathematician. It happened that I haven’t finished the higher education, but I do serious scientific research as a volunteer. Once I saw in a night dream…
read more(Phil. 3:8-9) 8 Yes most assuredly, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and count them nothing but refuse, that I…
read moreI am not yet very rich. I don’t starve, I have a fast computer with many thousands of programs connected to Internet. We rent a not so small apartment. I have no car but I am not going to learn driving even…
read moreYesterday my business partner from Brazil wrote me he is going to go to a bathroom. After some time I felt that I should pray about him for dangers in bathroom. I prayed God to save him from possible dangers in the…
read moreIn this short sermon I will tell about relationships between people and God. In the beginning God created people to work on the ground: (Gen. 2:15) “Yahweh God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate and…
read moreHow Baptists are different from Charismats? Both pray for the same (here there is no difference). They pray for money, health, etc. What is then the difference? The difference is that the Baptist does not believe that his or her prayers will…
read moreThis is a quite short sermon about one Bible verse. Consider the verse (Eph. 2:10) “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them.” Some preachers conclude from it…
read moreIn this sermon I will tell about what are soul and spirit of a human and how they are related with the brain. First I will tell some widespread concepts about soul and spirit. I do not agree with these concepts because…
read moreSermon topic: A short story of the universe. Bible students studied much about what God did on the Earth. But now I will tell the real story, the story of the heaven! Particularly, I will tell the story of the spiritual war….
read moreIn this sermon I will speak about godhead of Christ. Godhead of Christ is an important issue. Without faith in godhead of Christ repentance does not work. Before conversion to Christ I was crazy: I saw hallucinations (such as dragons which took…
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