In Israel there were stolen $50 trillion. In your opinion, is after this pig kosher, because compared to stealing $50T eating pig is so much insignificant that it is well insignificant?
read moreIn 1997, then I was 17 years old, I go superpowers (like superman or spiderman but real): When I squeezed steel in my hands, it melted. I broke concrete walls and beat flame from air by a flap of my hand. I…
read moreWhat is my sexual orientation? Disgusting bastard, my orientation is not sexual! I am oriented to mathematics. It seems I am the only man on the Earth that has non-sexual orientation, rewrite disgusting bastard orientation science textbooks. Well, I am in a…
read moreIn my opinion, God does not respect sex at all. Contrary to what you think, God does not respect marriage, women, homosexuals, and transsexuals. (Have you noticed that I enumerated the things that are most respected by people? People respect good, honesty,…
read moreחטימה לֹא טובה בישראל: 50 טריליון דולר נגנבים.
read moreРави: читай Тору. Пастор: не следуйте логике. И вот что получается без математической логики. не следуйте вашей логике -> (математическая логика человеческая логика) -> не следовать математической логике, а следовать человеческой логике дальше читай Тору -> (математическая логика человеческая логика) -> не…
read moreYou have a bug in your operating system: You have no API operation to send money to a given address without input.
read moreScientificism, also sometimes called scientism, is the ideology that all knowledge should be scientific and hold by academia. Scientificist: All data should be got from technological measurement devices. Me: To measure a thing we need a device with a measurement arrow, to…
read morePropagandist: Condoms are a very good protection against STIs. Doctors: Syphilis is transmitted also through skin touching. Propagandist: Well, I meant that syphilis can be treated by antibiotics. Scientists: Antibiotics don’t work with new brands of bacteria we “vaccinated” by giving them…
read moreLawyer: We help everybody. Victim: I had $300 and $200 were stolen. Lawyer the service price is $2000.
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