There is a widespread heresy. Its adepts say “Mind your own business.”

The heresy is to do only your own projects and not do projects of others.

Look into my Bible translation: (Phil. 2:4) “Look not every man on his own projects, but every man also on the projects of others.”

One man asked God to show him the paradise and hell. God showed him a long table with food, people seating along it opposite to each other, having very long spoons. It was so both in paradise and in hell. What is the difference, wondered the man.

God showed him that in the hell people cannot eat because the spoons in the dream were too long to reach their mouths, so they were hungry. In paradise, they feeded people on the opposite side of the table with their long spoons.

It’s a true thing. There would be no Linux, for instance, if people would not participate in somebody other’s project, a project of Linux Torvalds. Those who follow this principle, live in the hell (use a bad OS, Windows), these who participate, can use much better software (Linux, et al).

The life on the Earth is so bad, first because people mind their own businesses.

Another Bible quote: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This means one thing: to participate in the projects of your neighbor in the same way (“as yourself”) as you do for your own projects.

Well, also need not fall into another extreme: to share everything and live in socialistic or communistic poverty. We know our own projects better than projects of neighbors, so we usually do our own business better than the business of a neighbor. However, if a neighbor does a more important deed than you, accordingly Bible, you should sell your business and give the money to your neighbor. Otherwise, you don’t even think to follow the golden rule, it’s not about you, aren’t you a heretic? This is what to love your neighbor means.

P.S. Sell your business and send me money for my projects, including mathematical research or for example this social project.

A biblical prophecy says that I have the right for 1% of your income (or 10% if you receive tithes).

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