(Matthew 16:24) “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” The words of Christ should first be taken literally. He called anyone who desired to…
read moreHow to repent of sins (by a former maniacal killer) In this short note I tell how to repent of your sins correctly. I strongly recommend to repent as described below. Who knows how to repent of sins better than me, a…
read moreIn this post I will present my theological theory of spiritual salvation, as described in New Testament. This theory is not a dogma, but just my opinion which may be wrong. The theory is as the follows: Sin is a thing which…
read moreThe following is a rough idea and my explanation may be not detailed or not exact enough: As I state in my New Testament commentary, Christ is the radio waves (well, not only radio but also other parts of the spectrum) of…
read moreI continue to think about the purpose of Jesus’s death. He died for us? By his deaths he restored the God’s justice? Yes, but WHY is it necessary? Yesterday, I have got this idea: Death of Jesus means that he stopped to…
read moreHello Dr. Michael S. Heiser, What do you think about this idea? (It is my idea, but I am not quite sure if it is true.) One of many ways to describe God (I mean Yahweh or Christ or maybe Father): “God…
read moreIt is often asked: If there is God, He can everything and He is good, then why evil exists? The only possible answer is that evil is necessary, that is absolute good is impossible without evil. My supposed answer to this is…
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