Today I got this idea: We should not serve God as slaves, because we are no more slaves, God has delivered as from slavery, as I teach in the book End of Gospel. But we indeed can serve God for reward. God…
read moreThe first draft of the article “God compared with a civilization” put online. In this article I compare God with a highly developed technological civilization. God is studied following this analogy (and Bible). Using this analogy certain mysteries such as Holy Trinity…
read more(Jn. 10:16) I have other sheep, which are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. They will become one flock with one shepherd. Traditionally this is interpreted as Christ saving not only Jews but…
read moreI updated the “What is soul?” section of online book “End of Gospel”. The updated section is reprised here: What is soul? Soul is believed to be eternal, immaterial part of man. What this means? I have an unexpected answer: Soul is…
read moreAccordingly our belief “God is three persons in one substance”. In this blog post written by a theologian Dale Tuggy is asked what “persons” and in this blog post by the same theologian is asked what is “substance”. I feel that now…
read moreAncient Arians and modern Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that Christ is not God but a finite creature. They lack bold arguments supporting their opinion. We infer from Bible that Christ is God. Well, there are one exception: Mark 13:32. Its naive interpretation looks…
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