Like fairy tales of Shahrizada, the end of the story of the Gospel, the Apocalypse is an unexpected end.
As I tell in my site, Jesus prayed to his Father: “Let not my will be.” what means simply “Stop me.” and “Let this cup pass away from me as soon as possible.” but I Corinthians 11:25 explains “This cup is the new testament in my blood.” that is this means “Let the New Testament in my blood pass away from me as soon as possible.” Jesus asked the Father to stop him, to break his deeds (New Testament). That’s because Jesus is a lawyer who sends his clients to tortures (for example, to “die for his name”). Jesus feels uncomfortable about this.
I claim that I will become archangel Garbiel, the incarnation of Father, who is father of Jesus by cloning. I am not yet Gabriel, the Father, but only a clay from which God will create Himself.
(Thes 2:3) “not [until] shall have come the revolution first and shall have been revealed the man of lawlessness, son of perdition.”
I am inclined to anarchy views and may participate in such a revolution. Apparently parents conceived me in drunken state what is called perdition.
I also once called myself “a son of destruction” in a church meeting meaning that while everything in the universe destructs, I will not be destructed because my state will be a part of destruction, this way having eternal life.
(Thes. 3:3) “the [one] opposing and exalting himself above every so-called god or object of worship; so as for him in the temple of God to sit down, showing himself that is God.”
“opposing and exalting himself above every so-called god” – but so God, whom we (me and my girlriend, two witnesses of Apocalypse) are going to become, does. Here it’s not written “showing himself as if he would be God” but “he… is God”. This apparently about when we receive efficient NP-complete algorithm and I will be God the same way as Jesus, so I will be able to show myself wonders in the Jerusalem temple.
As I described on my site, Jesus needs to be stopped, because he himself asked his Father to stop him: “Let my will not be done.” Jesus is a weird lawyer who tortures his people.
(Thes. 2:6) “… to be revealed him in his time”. I tell about God giving me the past, to move back in time, what will be “my time”.
(Thes. 2:7) “… the lawless whom the Lord Jesus will slay him…”
If I will become the Father of Jesus, then Jesus will become a beast compared to me and the witness of Apocalypse is killed by an alien beast. We will be slaught but we’ll resurrect, so Apocalypse tells about two witnesses.
(Thes. 2:8) “whose is coming according the working of Satan in every power and in signs and in wonders of falsehood”.
Many signs in TV about me abound. I think, I now understood that the source of these signs is Satan. That Satan will show signs about me, does not mean that I approve these signs.
Next in the Bible follows something about “love of truth” (love to mathematics), that they “didn’t receive”.