Once I saw a night dream:

There is a city and there are 10 identical metallic glancing like aluminium or something like that church buildings, each in form of a sphere segment, every for 20000 seats. I am the main pastor of this church. Every Sunday I preach in these ten buildings (I saw myself at the scene of one of the buildings). Note that (and this is the most wonderful thing in this revelation) in each of the 10 churches I tell different sermons. That’s a weird dream as I didn’t think about anything like that.

Other: On the basis of Bible study I concluded that I am a “great” (that is very talented) priest and that I must go to Tanzania and living there in tent to preach; in my destiny there are a giant religious ministry and great money. The details of this “prophecy” didn’t match the reality and I concluded that my method of interpretation of Bible was wrong.

After some time after going through a spiritual “wilderness” (when I even didn’t visit a church) I returned to my previous pursuit: math research and computers. I (although having not scientific degree) am a prominent mathematician. I thought I should not be a church minister (however I research and spread in Internet biblical knowledge), because (as I think) my research is worth trillion dollars and this is more important than church service.

But today I remembered this dream. And I thought: what if this is indeed a true vision?

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